NOTA DE PRENSA Confederación Internacional de Industrias Gráficas (INTERGRAF)
Nuestra Confederación Internacional de Industrias Gráficas y afines (INTERGRAF) ha elaborado junto con otras asociaciones internacionales que representan actividades vinculadas con el Sector Gráfico la publicación "The facts of our value chain" (La realidad de nuestra cadena de valor), que os adjunto. En ella si intentan dar los argumentos suficientes para que no se siga identificando a nuestros sectores como destructores de los bosques, entre otras cosas, sino justo lo contrario, es decir, difundir la idea de que "el papel y los productos impresos son parte de la solución para mitigar el cambio climático".
Esta publicación se encuentra muy en la línea de la publicación "Mitos frente a datos" que hemos elaborado en el seno del Foro del Papel, iniciativa que como bien sabeis FEIGRAF participa junto con ASPAPEL, Federación de Gremios de Editores, AFCO, RECIPAP, ASPACK, ASSOMA, ANELE, AVAD y AIFBP, y de la que recientemente se ha realizado una edición actualizada que en breve se hará pública (ésta sí está en castellano).
PRESS RELEASE, 6 April 2009, Brussels
Challenging the myths ˆ The mail industry publishes „The facts of our value chain‰
In the booklet „The facts of our value chain‰ the partners of the European Mail Industry Platform (EMIP) share facts, figures and arguments to challenge common environmental myths that unfairly hurt the reputation of our industries. The objective is to educate actors throughout the value chain in order to promote written communication, challenge the myths and support each other.
The UN has stated that „paper and print are part of the solution to mitigate climate change‰ but the conception that paper destroys forests is very much alive. Despite the industry taking action to reduce its environmental impact, the reputation of our value chain continues to suffer. Misconceptions, but also targeted attacks, have affected our industries negatively.
In the booklet, facts about the raw material, paper production, direct marketing, printing, paper converting, postal operators and waste management industries are presented. Each industry also lists common environmental myths and addresses these.
The EMIP is the network where companies and federations in the written communication value chain, from paper manufacturing to postal services, share information and best practices to ensure the competitiveness of the sectors. The platform joins all key stakeholders in the written communication value chain from the production of the paper via transport, printing, sorting and delivery to the consumer. Representing printing companies, Intergraf takes part to enforce the positive image of printed communication.
Please find the PDF of „The facts of our value chain‰ enclosed. EMIP objectives are to:
stimulate growth in mail channel revenue
make mail more effective
remove cross border differences and barriers
ensure the right perception of the contribution of mail
Martina Flink
Public Relations and Public Affairs Assistant
International confederation for printing
and allied industries a.i.s.b.l.
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